Duffields at Saxlingham (Norwich) Mill, are now able to offer un pelleted blends to customers These are manufactured through our UFAS approved feed mill. Computerised blend formulations go through our […]
Duffields have their own range of calf milk powders -QUICKSTART CALF MILK REPLACERS
They are designed with a focus on:-
-High Growth Rates
-Improved Health
-Maximum Bloom and Condition
All powders formulated for easy mixing
The range
Quickstart Gold + Lifeguard
Quickstart Cream + Lifeguard
Quickstart Premier
The Lifeguard System.
Etheric Oils for improved lung function and respiratory health,Hi levels of Vitamin E, Omega 3 oils to stimulate the immune system and digestion
Please click on link below for more details on our milk powders